Coronavirus / COVID-19 Stress
As I am typing this, there are people who are losing their jobs, their savings, their security, or worse, the health and loved ones. They say things will probably get worse before they get any better. That is why I have decided that I will do everything in my power to help.
Following the government announcement, I am no longer to have meetings other than one-to-one and online. Therefore, unfortunately I need to postpone all workshops. I have been prioritising the health and wellbeing of all in the community, and mine.
I will help by helping others to inspire the resilience, coping, and acceptance skills that we are all going to need in this turbulent time. There are a free, downloadable audio containing the positive guided mental imagery to reduce stress. My hope is that you will download and find ways to be of help to yourself and those you care about.
The other way I want to help is to make the resilience and stress management training available online. For many years I have been doing online counseling, and with the use of camera it is a full substitute of personal sessions. You can use the contact form from my website or reply to this message to discuss these options further.
The time may come in the near future where we all ask for support to assure that we can continue to do what we do. I want to pass an outpouring of kindness and love. Please bear in mind we all need to treat each other with respect and compassion. Let’s put our community first. I hope you and your family stay safe.
Sending loving care from my home office,