Online counselling. Counselling to improve feelings. What is it like to be so bright in some ways, so lost in others? – Ivana Straska
What is it like to be so bright in some ways, so lost in others?

What is it like to be so bright in some ways, so lost in others?

hide_faceAsperger’s children have few things that really interest them. Those interests are very important and may help them alleviate anxiety. They also cope better when there are set routines in their lives. Because change causes anxiety, Aspergers children will want to live by rigid rules that they construct for themselves. They want their own rules so that they can be the “king” or “ruler” and have a difficult time understanding why society has a different set of rules.

The social deficits might be somehow masked at home where all is familiar and adults bend to a child’s unique style. Social deficits stand out once the child is placed into a group context with typical peers. It is around peer / school period that many parents first become concerned about how their child is functioning.

People with Asperger are intelligent, lacking empathy, socially clueless, confused with emotions, compassionate, self – centered,  saying what they think without social filter. On the positive side: valuable relationship devoid of double meanings, manipulation, “white” lies.

Emotions need love and understanding

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