Online counselling. Counselling to improve feelings. Strategies for success – Ivana Straska
Strategies for success

Strategies for success

General strategies for success

Be aware that background noises, such as a clock ticking or the hum of fluorescent lighting, may be distracting to your youngster.

Kids with Aspergers benefit from daily routines for meals, homework, and bedtime. They also like specific rules, and consistent expectations mean less stress and confusion for them.

Kids with Aspergers often mature more slowly. Don’t always expect them to “act their age.”

Many children with Aspergers do best with verbal (rather than nonverbal) teaching and assignments. A direct, concise, and straightforward manner is also helpful.

Children with Aspergers often have trouble understanding the “big picture” and tend to see part of a situation rather than the whole. That’s why they often benefit from a parts-to-whole teaching approach, starting with part of a concept and adding to it to demonstrate encompassing ideas.

Try to identify stress triggers and avoid them if possible. Prepare your youngster in advance for difficult situations, and teach him or her ways to cope. For example, teach your youngster coping skills for dealing with change or new situations.

Visual supports, including schedules and other written materials that serve as organizational aids, can be helpful.

Strategies for developing social skills

Encourage to learn how to interact with children and what to do when spoken to, and explain why it is important. Give lots of praise, especially when he or she uses a social skill without prompting.

Foster involvement with others, especially if your youngster tends to be a loner.

Help him understand others’ feelings by role-playing and watching and discussing human behaviors seen in movies or on television. Provide a model for your youngster by telling him or her about your own feelings and reactions to those feelings.

Practice activities, such as games or question-and-answer sessions, that call for taking turns or putting yourself in the other person’s place.

Teach about public and private places, so that he or she learns what is appropriate in both circumstances. For example, hugging may not be appropriate at school but is usually fine at home.

Teach how to read and respond appropriately to social cues. Give him or her “stock” phrases to use in various social situations, such as when being introduced. You can also teach your youngster how to interact by role-playing.

He may not understand the social norms and rules that come more naturally to other kids. Provide clear explanations of why certain behaviors are expected, and teach rules for those behaviors.

Strategies for school

Seat him  next to classmates who are sensitive to special needs. These classmates might also serve as “buddies” during recess, at lunch, and at other times.

Be aware of and try to protect from bullying and teasing. Educate classmates about Aspergers.

Include him in classroom activities that emphasize his or her best academic skills, such as reading, vocabulary, and art.

Gradually introduce the school setting. Before the school year starts, take time to “walk through” your youngster’s daily schedule. You can also use pictures to make your youngster familiar with the new settings before school starts.

Set up homework routines for your youngster by doing homework at a specific time and place every day. This will help your youngster learn about time management.

Some kids with Asperger’s have poor handwriting. Typing schoolwork on a computer may be one way to make homework easier. Using computers can also help kids improve fine motor skills and organize information. Occupational therapy may also be helpful.

Use rewards to motivate your youngster. Allow him or her to watch TV or play a favorite video game or give points toward a “special interest” gift when he or she performs well.

Use visual systems, such as calendars, checklists, and notes, to help define and organize schoolwork.

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