Autism Society Canada (ASC) is a national incorporated non-profit charitable organization since 1976. It promotes federal policies, legislation, research and public awareness.
Autims Ontario is a provincial information source. It supports 30chapters within Ontario. Their goal is providing information and education, supporting research, and advocating for programs and services for the autism community.
Autism Ontario Halton Chapter provides list of selected interventions, therapies and treatment and basic information about them.
Canadian Autism Intervention Research Network connects professionals, policy makers and parents. You can find information about ongoing research and conferences and family involvement in research.
The Autism Spectrum Disorders – Canadian American Research Consortium (ASD-CARC)
The Autism Spectrum Disorders – Canadian American Research Consortium (ASD-CARC) is a group of international researchers working together to better understand autism.
The following links includes information about special education, ministry resources, general education resources, selected articles and tips for teachers and students.
Autism Ontario Special Education
Since 2002 this American non-profit organization provides information, education and support to parents of children diagnosed with ASD.
Department of Education, Division of Exceptional Learners in Indiana has inspirational information about policies and activities that relates to people with ASD.
Child Development Resource Connection Peel lists programs and services provided in Peel Region to children with ASD.
Autism Canada Foundation is an informational source to parents and caregivers to encourage them to seek information on the biomedical, behavioral and nutritional treatment options that are available.
Autism is treatable
Autism Research Institute conducts research and disseminates the results of research, on the triggers of autism and on methods of diagnosing and treating autism. They provide research-based information to parents and professionals.
M.I.N.D (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) runs the project The Autism Phenome Project or “APP”. It is the comprehensive assessment of children with autism to distinguish among recognized subgroups, or phenotypes of autism. This web page information includes a description of the study and other details that may be helpful for you.
Medical investigation of neurodevelopmental disorders
Geneva Centre for Autism created a list of resources, services, government and international information that might help to families and professionals when looking for supporting information.
Geneva Centre for autism