Forgiveness Techniques

Start with closed eyes and focus on your breathing. Get into a meditative state of mind (calm, relaxed and peaceful) and think about the person or situation that is bothering you.
Forgiveness technique # 1 Forgive yourself
In your relaxed mind choose a symbol to forgive yourself. Play with the symbol and imagine it in details. Create an intention that this symbol is staying with you. You can write the symbol as a reminder. Repeat your daily affirmations: “I forgive myself”, “I bless and release my past”, “I live in the now and I forgive myself”. Repeat this daily practice for few weeks.
Forgiveness technique # 2 Forgive to someone
Get into a meditative state of mind and invite your unlimited source (or soul, spirit, whatever you choose) to help you and be with you. Say out loud: “I am an unlimited source.” Visualize it as a shining pillar of light. Invite the unlimited source of the person whom you want to forgive. Let these two sources connect. Explain your feelings and ask the person’s source to accept your forgiveness and repeat the affirmation, “I forgive myself and others. I know that we both did the best that we could at the given time.” Write the affirmation on a cue card and remember it. Practice this exercise for few weeks.