Exercises to improve mental health
Non-conventional techniques
As a Reiki Master, yoga and alternative therapy practitioner I recommend some exercises that can be practiced by the general public. They originate in yoga and energy medicine. All are beneficial, simple and they work fast. I advice to assure you feel comfortable and you know your body conditions allow you this practice. I put together the rules to follow when practicing. Keep in mind that they are more powerful when they are practiced consecutively during certain period of time. I will post more exercises for various mental, personal and life challenges. Have fun!
General rules
Always keep the straight spine; right angle between the neck and chin, slightly tack the neck in
Quiet environment – no distractions in physical and social environment; make sure no phone will ring or nobody will disturb the practice
Fresh air in the room
Avoid practicing when you are very tired (no practice is recommended after heavy meal, coffee, alcohol, late nights) morning and early evening practices are recommended
Avoid uncomfortable cloths and foot wear (no cover on feet only natural materials such as leather or cotton)
Practice the exercises after short relaxation (it may be just “tune in with self” by conscious breathing for 2-3 minutes)
Close your eyes and bring attention between your eyebrows
Don’t rush, move consciously and slowly
Use soothing music and burn scented candles or oils
There are two possible sitting positions: a. Easy sitting pose (from yoga) people who feel comfortable sitting on the floor, crossed legs, straight spine and hands rest on the thighs, palms facing up b. Straight sitting on a chair, feet flat on the floor, hands rest on the thighs, palms facing up.
Exercise to increase energy flow
*If it’s possible sit on the floor on the heels (or other sitting position as mentioned above) with the arms stretched over the head & palms together; interlace the fingers except of the index fingers which point straight up
*Men: cross the right thumb over the left thumb
*Women: cross the left thumb over the right thumb
*Inhale and pull your navel point towards your spine / exhale and relax the navel point (pump the navel point)
*Practice for 3 min
*Finish: inhale deeply, pull the naval point in by tightening to abdominal muscles, hold the breath, contract for few seconds, relax
*Lay down on your back for 3 min, stay focused and observe what happens to your body and mind
*Inhale deeply, hold for few seconds, exhale and open your eyes.
Exercise for managing fear
*Left hand with all fingers grouped and very lightly pressed into navel point
*Right hand with four fingers pointing left over the forehead above the root of the nose (as if feeling your temperature); the thumb is separated from other fingers)
*For 3 min listen to the music, focus on fear and assess your feeling. Eliminate fearful images and negative experience that have developed due to fearful experiences.
Effect: The negative emotions related to specific fear are replaced with positive emotions, thereby slowly creating a new different mental association with the stimulus. The unique effect results from the music and exercise.
Exercise to manage challenges
This exercise doesn’t require any special position. It can be practiced in any situation such as participating in conversation, driving a car, taking test or other situations.
*Take a near full breath through the nose.
*Hold the breath without straining or tensing the stomach muscles for 3 – 4 seconds. Only during the hold phase mentally say the three separate sounds “vic”, “tor”, “y”, then exhale. Mentally creating the three separate sounds should take 3 – 4 seconds.
*The entire time of each repetition should take about 8 to 10 seconds.
*The breath shouldn’t be exaggerated to the extent that anyone would even notice that you are taking a deep breath. It can be employed multiple times until you achieve the desired relief.
This technique is helpful as a “thought stopping,technique for problem behaviors and ruminative thinking. There is no upper time for its practice.
Exercise for busy mind & obsessive behaviors
*Use the right thumb tip to block the end of the right nostril, other fingers stay straight up. Keep the arm relaxed (the elbow should not be sticking out to the side or up creating unnecessary tension).
*Inhale very slowly and deeply through the left nostril.
*Hold the breath in for a long time; exhale slowly and completely through the same nostril. Hold the breath out for a long time.
*The mental focus is on the sound of the breath.
*Practice for 3 minutes.
*Release the nostril.
*Inhale deeply, hold for few seconds, exhale and open your eyes.
I hope you enjoyed the selected exercise. If you want to achieve noticeable long lasting changes you have to practice each exercise for 21 days. After this time you will feel improvement & you will be rewarded with the benefits of the selected exercise.